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(I'm not exactly content with this, but I got bored in trying to come up with anything more substantial. I guess I'll get back to it at some point in time.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 22:09, 6 July 2014

The Diclonius (Scientific Name: Homo Ex Machina), or originally Deiclonos, is the final product of the DEICLONOS Project, or God's Clone Project, being an artificial modification of the human species, centered primarily on the augmentation of the maximum potential in their Mind and Soul Components. Diclonii are primarily characterized by their innate ability to command vectors, more so than their vast mental capabilities. Though originally created in Phantasia, following GARNET's destruction only seven survivors manage to escape, often to the worlds including, but not limited to: Euthora (Only in Cult of Ustream), Mantua and Vindrgard.


Diclonii are outwardly identical to humans, though it should be noted that, due to the controlled randomization of genetic algorithms used in their creation, these standards conform to those of Phantasian humans in general. Furthermore, their containment conditions give them two defining qualities: their light pale complexion due to the lack of exposure to natural sunlight (despite GARNET's underground complex attempting to magically replicate environmental parameters), and a serial number representing their "version" (i.e. the numerical order of finalization) below their left shoulder, and aligned towards their arm.








Oblivion Phantasy
