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Too lazy to format

[03:22]Shadow Oh, also, something to tell you about the crystals on that vein. They are /extremely/ important to the Ereva in question. I wasn't sure in how before, but I decided that they are, quite literally, a solid manifestation of their Mana pools, linked spiritually to the Ereva. That essentially means that if they are destroyed, they are forever crippled.

[03:23]Keileon And in Tascera's case?

[03:23]Keileon I mean we already agreed that she's just unable to properly use Mana but is there anything past that

[03:23]Shadow It works really well for her case, because it simply means that she could never really use Mana efficiently at all. Her body would have the absolutely minimum mana capacity, so trying to do something with it would be extremely ineficient or just dangerous

[03:24]Keileon Right

[03:24]Keileon I need to figure out why exactly she was born without one.

[03:24]Keileon ... Must have been her own personal hell growing up, too

[03:25]Shadow Also, with this development, I figure that the Ereva always keep their crystal/gem in them. No exceptions. They are literally like soul gems, in the sense that you'd have to keep it somewhere unsuspiscious, easy to hide, and easy to protect as well.

[03:26]Keileon what if they accidentally throw it onto a moving truck

[03:27]Shadow then a mysterious time traveler can stop time and get it for them

[03:27]Keileon k