Lord X-Giga-X

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Lord X-Giga-X




19 (current point in CoU)








Soul Phantasms

Achlympery, Dracoimpery, Telekinesis


Cult of Ustream (former)


Lord X-Me-X-Ga-X (Father), ??? (mother, deceased), Gojiken Moorn (brother)

Lord X-Giga-X (pronounced Lord 2-X Giga), also known as Giga, is an achlymperist born in the Manaverse. He is the leader of Organization G-X, and the current holder of the soul of Elevix Magnus. In the Cult of Ustream, he was second-in-command of the group of the same name for approximately a year before defecting.


Lord X-Giga-X is somewhat muscular, and is 6'2" in height. His pale skin is covered by a layer of dark mana, which gives it a bluish-gray color. His right eye is red and his left eye is blue, although while appearing heterochromatic, this is not actually the case. He has spiky, green hair that reaches the base of his neck. Immediately below his eyes are two green, triangular markings.

Since before first appearing on Euthora, he wore a sleeveless purple shirt, which bore the Mark of Trajodeas, a black symbol that looked like a vertical straight line connecting the top of the shirt to a shape similar to a fu katakana (フ). This covered up a dark grey, striped long-sleeve shirt. His pants were also grey and striped, and appear to be ripped at the bottom. He also wore a dark brown belt holster around his waist, which he used to carry his death ray. On both hands, he wore black, fingerless gloves with holes in the back to allow dark energy to flow out of his hands. He wore iron boots on his feet. The most noticeable part of his outfit was his black cape. Occasionally, Lord X-Giga-X would allow his cape to fall into bad condition, usually being excessively torn or having huge holes in it. And occasionally, he wouldn't be wearing one at all. This usually occurs after he burns a cape in respect for each of his fallen team members.



Fighting Style


  • Achlympery:
  • Dracoimpery: Lord X-Giga-X has had the ability to control dragons since birth, having inherited the ability from his mother. However, he was not completely aware of having this ability until some time after appearing on Euthora. To date in the Cult of Ustream canon, he has used this ability on a total of six dragons: Grodisflare, Deathstorm, Cosmic Meteor Dexus, Netá'roul, Starlight Thunderscale, and Izexn. Through this ability, Grodisflare has become his familiar.
  • Telekinesis:


  • Zero-Light Vision: Lord X-Giga-X is capable of seeing in extremely low levels of light. It is unknown whether he has obtained this ability through inheritence or training, but he constantly takes advantage of it. It serves as a reason as to why his labs are dimly lit.


  • Gamma-X Ray: Tucked away within the belt holder is Lord X-Giga-X's most prized weapon, a black, metallic gun capable of firing off compact bursts of gamma radiation. Because of this, the Gamma-X Ray is a potentially lethal weapon, but if the victim survives an attack from this, they usually end up suffering from radiation sickness.

Strengths & Immunities

Weaknesses & Fears



