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David Shaver
David Shaver




14 at time of death




Euthoran Shapeshifter





Soul Phantasms



Cult of Ustream (Group)


Jason Shaver(adoptive brother)

David Shaver, now deceased, was a young, pure-blooded Euthoran Shapeshifter and a member of the Cult of Ustream. He was rarely seen among the Cult, but when he was, he was generally friendly (if slightly reclusive) and a bit of a delinquent. While not related by blood, he considered Jason Shaver his older brother after the other Shapeshifter took him in and gave him a place to stay when he needed it most. The feeling was definitely mutual; Jason was greatly affected upon hearing of the boy's death, as much as he tried to hide it.


David was a thin, somewhat short boy with a wiry frame, at least in his human form. With pale blue eyes and light brown hair that could almost be considered a dirty blond, he was visibly younger than most members of the Cult, though he made it clear that he was more than experienced with being on his own in the way he carried himself. He usually wore a long-sleeved, collared white shirt and dark gray or green pants, with dull green, handless arm warmers. He rarely wore shoes, though when he did they were a light gray color and not accompanied by socks. A more interesting part of his attire was a small, black leather collar around his neck with a silver ring attached to the front. He never explained this; nobody ever really asked him about it. Though easily removable, it remained around his neck in his animal forms, which were light brown with bright blue eyes.


David was best known for being an aloof, yet friendly, prankster. The most common targets of his antics were the two highest-ranking members of the Cult when he was still alive: Jason himself and Lord X-Giga-X. While he could be annoying at times, he was tolerated, possibly due to his young age, his ties with Jason, and the fact that he was almost never around to begin with. This last fact never stopped him from leaving for long periods of time, just to return for a few days and be exasperated at the trouble the Cult managed to get into when he was away.

David was highly curious by nature, and quite clever in areas that counted. While it was usually hidden by his childish actions, David was an intelligent boy, with a strong sense of justice that ultimately led to his death at the hands of the Sealbreakers. When he wasn't busy bothering somebody, he was surprisingly quiet and distant, and could often be seen poring through some of the older or more obscure books in the Cult Headquarters' library.


Fighting Style

The Cult itself never actually saw David fight, though it is known that he was fully capable of defending himself, at least in the wild. As a Shapeshifter, he tended to prefer melee-style combat in his animal forms, although his enchanted staff (detailed below) was used more often, for ranged combat. David considered himself an inexperienced mage, though he was unable to use magic, having never trained in it before his death.


  • Shapeshifting: David's forms were generally small, quick animals, his favorite shapes being those of a bat, a sand fox, and a falcon. They were all light brown with blue eyes; this eye color was usually impossible in nature, though his primary color tended to fit the animal form he took. David was unable to access his Feral state and was not knwn to have a secondary color.


  • Enhanced Senses and Reflexes:


  • Rainstick: An enchanted quarterstaff David was never seen without, this weapon appeared to be an unremarkable, poorly carved stick resembling a tree branch or antler. It was to be held by the thinner end, with the points of the "antler" directed to the target. When used, light blue runes on the side were suddenly made visible, and the points of the antler glowed a watery blue. The only apparent effect of the enchantment was to make it "rain" large quantities of a random object, whether it be stones or water or mice. David learned to control it enough to use certain techniques at will, but never fully mastered the weapon.

Strengths & Immunities

Weaknesses & Fears


David was neutral-friendly (leaning towards friendly) with almost all members of the Cult, with the following exceptions:

  • Jason Shaver: Treating each other like family, the two Shapeshifters were attached to one another despite Jason often being the target of David's antics. Jason considered himself a protector of the boy; David considered himself a friendly presence when Jason needed one most.
  • Lord X-Giga-X: While he seemed to tolerate David, this human obviously didn't like him much (perhaps being a little too similar to Alexander Knight in personality and habits) and treated the young Shapeshifter with annoyance. Despite this, though, Lord X-Giga-X never actually attempted to hurt him, only teleporting him away when David got particularly annoying.


David was born, apparently, in the northern reaches of Seotara, in a region of the country known as the Dragon's Claw. How he found his way to Ustream is unknown, though Jason was told that the young Shapeshifter left home in search of a few particular enchanted staves- the most notable being the one he found, the Rainstick. After a couple of run-ins and a hunting run, Jason offered to let David stay at Cult Headquarters; David initially refused, but was injured a couple of days later and was more or less forced to HQ to get his wounds healed. After this, David allowed that he would treat HQ as a home base of sorts and stay there every so often to regain his bearings, but otherwise would continue to wander.



  • As Jason himself had no surname before the two met, he jokingly adopted David's. It ended up sticking, and both of them enjoyed the sense of family it brought them.