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Revision as of 20:37, 3 June 2016 by Shadow (Talk | contribs) (Cleanup; ideas for Drei.)

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The Manaverse

So, basically, to start... we have our list of 'worlds' that are to be considered part of the Manaverse, our collective project on the lore of our communal worlds that function in similar ways. They are all governed (to my knowledge) by some degree of Mana Theory (detailed by Shadow below), and are also subject to the basic laws of the Manaverse (yet to be formalized).

--Eebit (talk) 01:41, 5 February 2014 (UTC)

UPDATE: As of March 27, 2014, Galamion is now a part of the Manaverse. --Eebit (talk) 00:23, 28 March 2014 (UTC)


hey shadow what was the Ereva homeworld called again I keep forgetting. Keileon (talk) 04:02, 3 June 2014 (UTC)

Goddamnit, I forgot how to alphabet. XD Speaking of alphabet, we some have planets for half of the alphabet.

--Lord X-Giga-X (talk) 18:29, 3 June 2014 (UTC)

nvm Keileon (talk) 01:23, 4 June 2014 (UTC)

Timber has officially joined the Manaverse with Cytieresk! Keileon (talk) 18:06, 25 June 2014 (UTC)

I haven't had the chance to be in chat to discuss this, but with Galamion being shelved for an indeterminate length of time, I've started thinking about "trimming the fat," so to speak, in terms of the planets. We've got quite a few planets from people who aren't really "active participants" in the Manaverse (anymore), and it doesn't make much sense to keep these planets around. They're not developing anything. Planets like The Misty Isle, Ea, the S.S. Soaring Sky, Galamion, Cytieresk... the authors of these planets are not currently contributing to "Manaverse activity" (be that roleplays, the Wiki, or whatever). I feel like it would, at this point, be worth "storing" the information by putting them on the userpages/sandboxes (as is the case with Timber and Cytieresk), but "de-canonizing" them until later notice. Removing the categories so that they no longer show up in the site's navigation wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

Does that make sense? I guess I'd like to hear what the rest of you think of that idea. If they aren't "in active usage," is it worth keeping information about them around? --Eebit (talk) 07:27, 3 August 2015 (UTC)

I know that Timber's still working on Cytieresk, and she has a couple of characters involved in canon plots (Ynykh in a 1x1 I need to post for, and Azralle in CoU, though that may get retconned if she isn't available to CP). Otherwise I agree though. {Keileon || Talk} 08:59, 3 August 2015 (UTC)

I'd say go for it. --Lord X-Giga-X (talk) 16:33, 4 August 2015 (UTC)


So the basic idea is the my main's ancestry (at least, on his father's side) traces back to the planet Rokans, a planet where ongoing conflict progressively has gotten worse. Much of it revolves around the conflict of two beings created during said conflict: Elevix Magnus and Infinic Juptois.

(Will add more once I've gotten thing somewhat organized. Just wanting to get this started. Though for the time being, feel free to ask any questions.)

The Planet of Terra

So a few of us have had characters having been associated with the planet Earth. Of course, since Earth is confirmed not to be in the Manaverse, we must create a planet similiar enough to it that certain stuff will be able to work. But until we actually come up with a page for the planet of whateverthehellwe'regoingtocallit, let's just leave this section open for basic info.

I honestly thought that Earth-not-in-the-Manaverse was going to be handwaved by multiversal travel of some sort, but if you want to make rehashed backgrounds Manaverse-friendly, I suppose this is a good parallel to start with. As I mentioned in the chat, there is a blank world that is very akin to Earth (i.e. fantasy elements such as magic being undiscovered and practically nonexistent in society, despite being in the Manaverse) that I created solely to work with Friae's backstory. If any of you want to take the concept for this end, you're free to do so. --Shadow (talk) 00:48, 24 March 2014 (UTC)

Oops, forgot about this lol

I wasn't planning on that for anything on my end at all, partially because I'd have to figure out how to get certain characters there in the first place. I also didn't want my main to be born on Rokans or the other planet I'll eventually start working on because either case would imply that he knows about current events on Rokans (which he does not). Either way, I'd be fine with using that concept for this.

--Lord X-Giga-X (talk) 17:06, 20 April 2014 (UTC)

List of -Impery Abilities

  • Achlympery: manipulation of darkness
  • Acuimpery: manipulation of sharpness
  • Aeroimpery: manipulation of wind
  • Avimpery: manipulation of birds
  • Chronoimpery: manipulation of time
  • Crebrimpery: manipulation of frequencies
  • Cryoimpery: manipulation of ice
  • Dolimpery: manipulation of pain
  • Dracoimpery: manipulation of/affinity with dragons
  • Electroimpery: manipulation of electricity
  • Ergoimpery: manipulation of energy
  • Geoimpery: manipulation of earth
  • Hematoimpery: manipulation of blood
  • Hydroimpery: manipulation of water
  • Metalloimpery: manipulation of metal
  • Necroimpery: manipulation of the dead
  • Nihilimpery: manipulation of nothingness
  • Oleoimpery: manipulation of oil
  • Osteoimpery: manipulation of bones
  • Photoimpery: manipulation of light
  • Physimpery: manipulation of nature
  • Psychimpery: manipulation of the psyche
  • Pyroimpery: manipulation of fire
  • Sonoimpery: manipulation of sound
  • Sorsimpery: manipulation of fate
  • Spatioimpery: manipulation of space
  • Synesthimpery: manipulation of perception
  • Thaumatoimpery: manipulation of reality
  • Thermoimpery: manipulation of temperature
  • Toximpery: manipulation of poisons
  • Vacuoimpery: manipulation of the void
  • Xenoimpery: manipulation of the arcane

Manaverse Timeline {Keileon || Talk} 00:52, 20 October 2014 (UTC)

Hell Superdimension

I saved a Pastebin of some snippets that I found important out of the other night's discussion on the Hell Superdimension. Further discussion can go here, or on the forums in its own topic. --Eebit (talk) 18:09, 6 October 2015 (UTC)

Drei Timeline Development

Logging dev sessions here so they aren't lost.


{Keileon || Talk} 06:24, 3 June 2016 (UTC)

Preliminary ideas for Drei:

  • Individual story routes coalescing into the Deveron storyline
    • Kind of like a more chaotic and less centralized Alter, if you would.
    • Characters would generally follow their own story routes before being drawn into the Deveron arc.

Shadow (talk) 20:37, 3 June 2016 (UTC)