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    • Shadowsong (Bottom right): Cocytus Oxygous.
      • A nocturnal breed of Light Saurian, with a lean frame, large wings, and fanned crests on the head neck, and tail. They have pointed, narrow heads with narrow eyes and have the ability to augment the combative abilities of nearby individuals that they choose. This ability is called Shadow Bond. In dim lighting, they may use an ability called Shadowmeld to become nearly invisible.
    • Shadow Drake (Top left): Erebus Pyrophilis.
      • Possibly a subspecies of the Shadowsong, Shadow Drakes are Alter Timeline-exclusive, nearly unique Light Saurians with bony crests on the head and tail accompanied by a row of low spikes along the spine. They also have the ability Shadow Bond, but their version is more potent, is passive, and targets individuals that also have Shadow Bond. Their abilities are primarily elemental manipulation- they have the ability to control fire, darkness, and a third element that is usually hereditary to their line.
  • Tephralite (Symbol Tp)
  • Each timeline's iteration of Jason is summarized by particular ways of dealing with his fate; this also reflects the state of his Domain of the same name.
    • Prime!Jason accepts his fate, making no effort to change it. He takes things as they come, even accepting that he has to kill his own son to protect the world at large, as well as being the one to pose the idea of ending the Harmonic Era due to the state of Euthora. He never awakens his Domain, nor does his pendant affect his destiny for him.
    • Alter!Jason denies his fate, treating it as if it is not taking the path it obviously is. He refuses to acknowledge the problem when he knows his days are numbered due to his soul-debt; he disregards the fact that he will break if he continues doing things alone. His Domain never actually awakens, but the fragment of his soul inside his pendant is aware enough to subtly change minor aspects of his fate in order to protect him.
    • Shiveztel (Drei) actively rebels against his fate, acknowledging it but refusing to accept it. He challenges the very chains of fate themselves when it initially appears that he is going to die, and the pendant aiding him almost immediately awakens his Domain and manifests his Soul Phantasm when Shiveztel first does this. Evading cause and effect entirely captures the interest of Careodry, who encourages Shiveztel to take charge of his own fate and shape his story however he sees fit.
  • Mordicai backstory:
    • [04:50:51] Keileon Well shit. I think I accidentally Mordicai's backstory.
    • [04:51:32] Keileon See, his given name translates to "Sorrow in Storm-Light's Memory"
    • [04:51:45] Keileon And Storm-Light is obviously a person or another dragon
    • [04:52:04] Keileon So I randomly decided to translate it
    • [04:52:14] Keileon And this was my train of thought:
    • [04:52:55] Zio Inb4 Mimring connection
    • [04:53:59] Keileon "The roots are diá and ir... And the structure of the name means it has to be in that order... Diávir? No, that's Thunderstorm... Then again, we have Starlight so... Irendiá? And that's a female name. Mother? Sister? Former mate? Someone in your family died, Mordicai, and whoever it was was female..."
    • [04:54:40] Keileon And then this as I was typing:
    • [04:55:46] Keileon "Wait no it can't be a mate, that's his given name, so it would have to be before he was named. Which means it can't be his sister either, unless she was a previous nest. ... Irendiá was his mother, and his father must have named him. Welp."

Stuff found digging through logs

  • Jason: Quick example(remember this): when ground up, mixed with water, and heated to extreme temperatures, dragon scales make something called Fyreglaze, which is a coating to make weapons and armor harder to break and more resistant to heat
  • Vindrgard stuff:
    • Keileon: This brings up an... interesting point though
    • Keileon: If Vindrite dragons created and are created from the Crystal Network
    • Keileon: Which is known to create a hivemind in its human inhabitants (a weak one, but one nonetheless- humans are dependent on the crystals)
Euthoran Song
Radiant Era Euthora's Song - Skyking (Plot) - Pieces of Eight - (Placeholder) - The Onyx Tyrant - Keeper of the Castle - Seeker of Fate
Dissonant Era Euthoran Song Durasken Uprising Hunt of Fire - Fyreborne - Untamed Beast - Shards of Glass
Divine Roar Spirit Trial - Dying God - Clash of Divinity
Minor Plots Tundra's Pact - Chaç en-ait Rai-Kouhal - The Tolling Bell
Harmonic Era Fallen Flame - Netaiu-Roul
Reformative Era The Shattered World - (Placeholder) - (Placeholder) - Silverclaw, Forsaken