Organization G-X (Group)
Organization G-X is an organized group of characters within the Manaverse, its roots stemming from the planet Terra. This group is led by the achlymperist Lord X-Giga-X.
[hide]Goals and Ideals
Organization G-X focus upon accomplish goals they see to be in their own interests, typically for the fact that they find themselves capable of doing so. This applies for a number of their goals, such as their attempt to take over Terra and performing experimentations.
First Iteration
The first iteration of Organization G-X, formed on Terra consisted of only seven members. The members of this iteration served as the main protagonists of Organization G-X. Through the manipulation of Cobalt, this iteration was effectively dismantled, with four of its members becoming his brainwashed minions.
- Aχis: A ninja capable of duplicating objects he comes in contact with. He became the fourth member of this group. In the end, he stayed behind to fight Cobalt alongside Daxter, Tokofia, and Vyshop, allowing Lord X-Giga-X and Grodisflare time to escape. He was defeated and turned into Cobalt's brainwashed minion. Like Tokofia and Vyshop, his death was falsified.
- Daxter Tachio: A Terran human with the Soul Phantasm of metalloimpery, and Organization G-X's technician. He became the third member of this group after Lord X-Giga-X and Grodisflare had previously aided him. In the end, he stayed behind to fight Cobalt alongside Aχis, Tokofia, and Vyshop, allowing Lord X-Giga-X and Grodisflare time to escape. He was defeated and turned into Cobalt's brainwashed minion.
- Grodisflare: An Armored Wyvern-Hydra hybrid that found its way from Euthora to Terra via unknown methods, Grodisflare is one of the two surviving members of the first iteration of this group. He is capable of geoimpery and psychokinesis.
- Lord X-Giga-X: A human achlymperist and dracoimperist, Lord X-Giga-X is the leader of Organization G-X and one of the two surviving members of the first iteration of this group.
- Tokofia: A genetically-altered archeress and Organization G-X's unofficial healer. Initially an enemy of the group, she eventually became the sixth member. In the end, she stayed behind to fight Cobalt alongside Aχis, Daxter, and Vyshop, allowing Lord X-Giga-X and Grodisflare time to escape. She was defeated and turned into Cobalt's brainwashed minion. Like Aχis and Vyshop, her death was falsified.
- Vyshop: A genetically-altered marksman. He became the fifth member of the group. In the end, he stayed behind to fight Cobalt alongside Aχis, Daxter, and Tokofia, allowing Lord X-Giga-X and Grodisflare time to escape. He was defeated and turned into Cobalt's brainwashed minion. Like Aχis and Tokofia, his death was falsified.
- ???: A spy that had infiltrated the group under the order of Cobalt. She was killed by Lord X-Giga-X shortly after her true intentions within the group were revealed.
Second Iteration
A second iteration was created at some point after the downfall of the previous. The point in time which this occurs and the members within it vary between timelines. As such, there are two versions of this iteration, both of which have Lord X-Giga-X as its leader and Grodisflare as a high-ranking member.
The Prime Timeline iteration was formed during Organization G-X II to cease Cobalt's actions on Terra and rescue the former members of the previous iteration. This iteration was initialized by Lord X-Giga-X, Grodisflare, Hexidos Urso, Giag, three of Lord X-Me-X-Ga-X's men, and a friend of Aχis. During the plot of Organization G-X II, Aχis, Daxter, Tokofia, and Vyshop rejoined the group.
The Alter Timeline iteration was formed at some point after Lord X-Giga-X and Grodisflare had been sent to Ustream, Euthora. It existed as a faction of the Cult of Ustream before Lord X-Giga-X's defection. At the current point in the canon, it has acquired the following members:
- Abatunyx: A humanoid cheetah experiment created by Lord X-Me-X-Ga-X based on the concept conceived by Lord X-Giga-X as a child. He retains the ability to move at high speeds from his animal half, and is capable of aeroimpery which he tends to use in combination with his swift movement.
- Deathstorm (Alter Timeline only): A Shadow Drake under joint ownership of Lord X-Giga-X and the Cult's leader, Jason Shaver. A considerably powerful member among the team, but because of his bond with the Shapeshifter, he was prone to leak secrets. His mistreatment by the achlymperist led to rising tension between his two masters. He was eventually excommunicated from the group when he was released from Lord X-Giga-X's control.
- Giag: An erroneous clone of Lord X-Giga-X born of an accident involving his cloning machine. In both timelines, he was kicked out of the group's base, only to be brought back in upon the discovery that the clone has inexplicably acquired cryoimpery as a result of the nature of his creation.
- Hexidos Urso: An ursine humanoid experiment created by Lord X-Giga-X. In the Prime Timeline, he was created during the timeframe between Organization and Organization G-X II, and assisted the group during the latter plot as a member. In the Alter Timeline, he was an ambition of Lord X-Giga-X that had finally come to be created after two previous iterations were destroyed (both in situations in which his lab was destroyed).
- Izexn: An Illusionary Wyvern recently brought into the group via Lord X-Giga-X's dracoimpery.
- Netá'roul: A Shadowsong brought into the group under the influence of Lord X-Giga-X's dracoimpery.
- Nit Toi: A recent recruit from Durasken. Nit has some manipulation of insects, although it seems that the insects he summons through this rarely listen to him.
- Meteor Dexus (Alter Timeline only): A Stellar Wyvern brought into the group under the influence of Lord X-Giga-X's dracoimpery after having been freed from Drake Kuro's control.
- Starlight Thunderscale (Alter Timeline only): A silver Plated-Stormcloud Firedrake hybrid. Highly aggressive, he willingly joined Lord X-Giga-X out of desperation when promised food. Though usually bested by his brother, Mimring Thunderscale, this dragon shows a fairly quick mind when the situation calls for more than simply brute force.
- Xibu Uif G: An identical clone of Lord X-Giga-X created mainly as an aid for projects. He tends to be one of two people to fill in for his original during his absence.
- Chuushin no Cobalt:
- Larzmey:
- Mega's Army: Lord X-Giga-X reluctantly considers this group as an ally to Organization G-X for the sole reason that it is led by his father, Lord X-Me-X-Ga-X. In few occasions, he has had members of his own group join Organization G-X under his order to provide aid to them.
Alter Timeline
- Cult of Ustream: The second iteration of Organization was created as a faction within the Cult of Ustream. It remained part of the Cult for approximately a year. During this timeframe, there was rising tension between the two groups, especially between their leaders. The group eventually split from the Cult during Lord X-Giga-X's defection.
- Chasm of the Unknown Inhabitants: Despite their initial encounter with the inhabitants of the Chasm of the Unknown, particularly the counterparts of the Shadow Drakes, they have very little problems with them. Both Lord X-Giga-X and Grodisflare have counterparts there as well, Acento Bane and Bratos respectively.
- Station of Seotara: The members of Organization G-X, especially Lord X-Giga-X, initially viewed the Station of Seotara as an enemy following the raid and destruction of their lab. With this in mind, Lord X-Giga-X took the opportunity to return the favor when the location of their base was discovered. Of course, this ended in failure, thus leading to the capture of Grodisflare. However, when Grodisflare revealed that they had learned of Ustream's seals from Kyton Haryn, he considered the possibility of them being valuable allies against The Sealbreakers. As a result, he allowed Grodisflare to give their leader, Bophez Igneite, further information regarding the seals. They were in an alliance with this group when they were still a faction of the Cult. Following their split from the Cult, the Station has sought out an alliance with Organization G-X, which Lord X-Giga-X had initially declined.
- The Sealbreakers: They consider the Sealbreakers an enemy as a result of their intentions to destroy the five seals spread across Ustream. Out of all of this group's members, they find themselves highly curious regarding the parasitic Ymohmi because he seems to know about Lord X-Giga-X despite having had only two encounters with him.
The first iteration of Organization G-X was formed, situated, and dismantled entirely on the planet Terra. The second iteration formed in Infinitum Rokans canon was created months later on Terra. It then relocated to Euthora following the events of Organization G-X II. The second iteration formed in the Cult of Ustream canon was created in Ustream, Euthora. At the current point in the canon, it still remains in Ustream, situated near its border with Arseyeln, Nienearcl, and Roatachai.
Organization G-X
- Main Article: Organization G-X (Plot)
- Main Article: Organization G-X (Plot)
Prime Timeline: Infinitum Rokans
Alter Timeline: Cult of Ustream
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